yet another day of memories...
yet another day of memories...
Let love motivate your work
by Rick Warren
Do all your work in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 (TEV)
"Any job can be turned into worship when it is built on the model of Christ's love."
The Apostle Paul says, "Do all your work in love."
He doesn't say some of your work, but all of your work.
He also says no matter "what I do, I'm bankrupt without love." (1 Corinthians 13:3, MSG)
The point is, any job can be turned into worship when it is built on the model of Christ's love; that love is expressed to co-workers, clients and customers.
Mother Teresa said, "It's not what you do so much that matters, but how much love you put into it."
Think about it like this -- Two-thirds of the word 'career' is C-A-R-E. John Rushcan once said, "When love and skill come together, expect a masterpiece."
So, I want you to pray a prayer every day this week. When you get up to go work, whether it's at home or at school, in your backyard or at an office or wherever you work -- I want you to pray, "Father, today I want to worship you through my work. I want to express my gifts. I want to do it as if I'm doing it for You and I want to do it in love."
"So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer." (Romans 12:1, TEV)
5/04/2010 06:09:00 PM
in which i don't know what is going to surface
in which i am seldom aware it is a dream
after which i may wake up - happy to wake up if my life is smooth
wishing that i didn't have to wake up if my life is difficult
and off to a new day that may be almost the same as the previous, but never truly the same
in which things may turn out very close to what i expect, but seldom 100% so
or may turn out completely different
in which even if i am going to receive the nearly-same circumstances of the previous day, i can try to change my habits of perception, or habits of behaviour that may cause the outcome of the day to be different
5/04/2010 06:05:00 PM
To be out and open
To be totally Christ-like
I believe that:
Courage is not an absence of fear
but the willingness to face up to the circumstances in spite of the fear.
A Pair of Pretty Sandals!
CPA! Achieved!
Investment Guru
creepy crawly "things"
Unnecessary politics
get driving license
start my own business
to create my own hedge fund
older memories
my past journey