yet another day of memories...
yet another day of memories...
“Change is not merely necessary to life, it is life”
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
“The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it”
“The best single lesson I ever learned was to maximize the intellect of the company. You need to gather the knowledge of individuals, share those ideas and celebrate the sharing. That, in the end, is how a company becomes great”
10/18/2008 03:11:00 AM
A job that I wanted before I graduated
A job I got after a diversion in life's walk
How would it be?
Excited I am;
But of course a little scared too
Learning to grow up can be quite scary
Growing up means having to take responsibility
Growing up means learning to venture on your own
I guess for me,
Growing up also means recognizing that I am not super-woman
That there are just some things in life I can't change
People that I have to accept as they are
And of course, learning to live and let live;
While both lives are interwined.
10/13/2008 12:37:00 AM
To be out and open
To be totally Christ-like
I believe that:
Courage is not an absence of fear
but the willingness to face up to the circumstances in spite of the fear.
A Pair of Pretty Sandals!
CPA! Achieved!
Investment Guru
creepy crawly "things"
Unnecessary politics
get driving license
start my own business
to create my own hedge fund
older memories
my past journey